The Applied Linguist.


Science has Nature and Scientific American, economics has The Economist, and finance has The Financial Times. 

Linguistics isn't any less important to the world as a field of science. Why doesn't it have its own critique-based outlet?

As such, The Applied Linguist was born.

Behind The Applied Linguist

Editor Yanyi Esme Lee is sick and tired two things: claims that 'language majors are useless' and the fact that so much language research is gathering dust on shelves. She established The Applied Linguist as her argument to the world that languages are indeed an integral force to how we develop our brains, how we build our civilisations, and how we survive in a messy world. 

Yanyi holds a PhD in (Language) Education from the University of Cambridge, where she also worked as a science and opinion columnist. She takes a keen interest in many things, but is particularly hooked on issues surrounding language diversity and brain development. She is a musical composer, a cocktail mixologist, and a learner who feels no shame to spend all her money on language classes. She speaks 11 languages and is especially proud of being a learner of less commonly taught languages.

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