The Applied Linguist.


Linguists must find the they/them idea remarkable. Just two single-syllable words with a slash, powerfully and consistently practised by the mass public, challenge age-old ideas of genders. Truly a demonstration of how simple language use can spark colossal movements.

In June 2022, a potpourri of emotions fueled an ongoing Twitter storm. Realbotix, a Californian AI company specialising in the creation of human-like robots, had just presented a brand new, 'world's first sex robot'. The lifeless blonde bombshell managed to have many eyebrows raised not much for her identity, but for a striking feature: her...

Let's be brutally honest - the English aren't exactly known for their multilingualism. This, of course, isn't really a matter of aptitude, but rather it reflects the remnants of English nationalism over the centuries, coupled with a deficient foreign language education system in secondary schools. And despite the foreign language curriculum being...

In an increasingly bilingual world, parents often occupy themselves with the age-old question of how to (effectively) raise a child to be bilingual. Beyond that, perhaps a more theoretically fundamental question to unpack is how infants come to differentiate between languages in the first place. What are the mechanisms that account for this...

The history of female literacy tells disheartening, but sometimes intriguing stories. In the earlier chapters of human history, a common (yet not entirely universal) fate that women faced across cultures was the lack of opportunity to build literacy. The deprivation, however, did not appease women's rebellion- loud or quiet- had given birth to some...

In current times, machine translation is key for intercultural communication, particularly in multimedia platforms. A common experience is that machine translation works well for typologically-related, lexically-syntactically similar language pairs (e.g. Norwegian to Swedish) but not so much in a typologically distant pair (e.g. English to...

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